GODFALL news coming

A new edition. A TV series. Lots of big news on the horizon

This is, admittedly, a big tease, but GODFALL will be appearing in a new and revised edition from a new publisher. More to come. In case you missed it, GODFALL was the subject of a Hollywood bidding war, with the rights going to Imagine Entertainment. Academy Award-winner Ron Howard will direct the TV series. Read all about the good news in The Hollywood Reporter.

When a massive asteroid hurtles toward Earth, humanity braces for annihilation—but the end doesn’t come. In fact, it isn’t an asteroid but a three-mile-tall alien that drops down, seemingly dead, outside Little Springs, Nebraska. Dubbed “the giant,” its arrival transforms the red-state farm town into a top-secret government research site and major metropolitan area, flooded with soldiers, scientists, bureaucrats, spies, criminals, conspiracy theorists—and a murderer.

Van Jensen delivers the sense-bending strange in this tale of mystery and wonder.
— Gary Phillips, author of One-Shot Harry

About Van Jensen

Van Jensen is the award-winning author of the Godfall novel series, and graphic novels and comic books including Bylines in Blood, Two DeadCryptocracyJames BondSuperman: Man of TomorrowThe FlashGreen Lantern Corps and the acclaimed all-ages series Pinocchio, Vampire Slayer. He also writes and (occasionally) directs for film and television. Previously, he was a newspaper crime reporter.


Van Talks ‘Godfall’ on All Things Considered

NPR’s Georgia Public Broadcasting hosted Van for a conversation about ‘Godfall’ and his writing career. You can watch the full interview below.


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